A brand new custom keyboard with optimized layout.

A custom keyboard for easy, ergonomic typing, with optimized layout for finger movement, and text zoom feature.

  Press release published 22 Sep by wixboard    

Mobile app , 22 Sep 2023 (Viralpressreleases.com) - Check this new keyboard app, the latest and coolest custom keyboard!

Have fun using it!The idea behind was to create a keyboard layout for the circular finger movement, and for a better text visualisation.Once installed, the keyboard works with all messaging and texting apps from your phone, and you can easy switch between the standard keyboard and your favourite keyboard.Give it a try!

Wixboard comes with custom keyboard, designed for easier, ergonomic, faster tying.


About wixboard

Independent developer and visual designer for app prototyiping.

Have a quick look!

Media Contacts

  • support@wixboard.com


Google Play

Apple Store

Category : Entertain­ment & Media

Tags : custom keyboard, phone keyboard, iphone keyboard, cool keyboard, keyboard, easy type, latest app, new app, new iphone app, new android app,




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