New report reveals strong support within the Australian energy industry for Coalition’s nuclear plans

Energy News Bulletin has surveyed their readers on attitudes towards nuclear power in Australia

Perth, Australia , 26 Jan 2025 ( - 78.5% of all respondents said they would like to see nuclear energy as part of Australia’s energy mix in the next 25yrs. 86.3% of all respondents cited the reliability of nuclear energy as a power source as the main benefit/opportunity of nuclear energy in Australia. 73.9% of all respondents cited public opinion as the main barriers to/challenges with nuclear energy in Australia.


Despite the ongoing public debate kicked off by Coalition’s plans for a nuclear-poweredAustralia if elected in 2025’s general election, people working within the energy andresources sector are strongly in favour nuclear energy having a role in Australia’s futureenergy mix.

That’s according to a new survey by Energy News Bulletin – the APAC region’s mostcomprehensive source of daily energy news – who have surveyed their readers onattitudes towards nuclear power in Australia.

The headline finding in the Future of Energy: Nuclear power in Australia report is thatmore than three quarters (78.5%) want to see nuclear energy as part of the country’sbefore 2050 and just over two thirds (67%) see nuclear energy becoming a part ofAustralia’s energy mix in the next 25 years.

Russell Yeo, Energy News Bulletin’s managing editor, says those working within theenergy resources sectors - some of the most engaged and informed people in thecountry on the issue of nuclear energy – have spoken clearly on their support for thedivisive energy option.

“We compared these figures to the findings of similar, recently conducted surveys ofthe Australian population and found support for nuclear energy is higher in the energysector.

“Polls varies but our figure of 78.5% is noticeably higher than 61% found in a recentLowy Institute survey,” he said.

In the wake of Peter Dutton releasing the costings for his nuclear energy policy, the ENBsurvey found eight in ten think the Albanese government’s opposition to nuclear powerin Australia is mainly ideological, against less than a fifth (15.8%) saying it’s aneconomic objection. Similarly, just over two thirds (70.8%) think the Australian generalpopulation’s opposition to nuclear power in Australia is mainly ideological.

“What’s clear through the public debate which has been happening since Duttonannounced his plans in June 2024 is that peoples’ opinions are very entrenched on bothsides of the argument.

“It’s going to be fascinating seeing how much of a political Sherrin this issue is in therun up to the general election,” added Yeo.

Notes to editors:

  • The full data set is available upon request
  • For more information please contact or call 0421 637028

About Energy News BulletinEnergy News Bulletin (ENB) is the Asia Pacific region's most comprehensive source of daily energynews, providing unparalleled insight into the energy sector through expert commentary andresearched features.ENB ensures businesses have comprehensive global oil and gas industry news and informationrelevant to oil and gas explorers, producers, industry investors and suppliers.ENB's daily newsletter will keeps subscribers up-to-date with developments across all aspects of theindustry.ENB’s subscribers have access to breaking news and analysis of corporate and investment activity inthe energy sector, combined with special research reports, print editions, multimedia and exclusiveevent coverage.For both readers and advertisers, Energy News Bulletin is an essential resource for keeping abreast ofoil and gas projects, new energy developments and supply opportunities.ENB is published by Aspermont Limited, owner of a range of high-quality print and online products forthe global resources sector – see for more details.

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Category : Energy & Utilities

Tags : energy, nuclear, Dutton, Albanese, Australia




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